What to Do When a Loved One Dies Overseas
If a family member dies while overseas and you wish to bring them back to the UK, you will need to go through various stages in arranging this. We take a look at what to do when a loved one dies overseas and how to deal with this difficult situation.
Much of the administrative process depends on the country where the death occurred. You will need to speak to the local authorities to find out their requirements for releasing the body.
Who has the right to make decisions?
The deceased’s personal representative is the one who decides how the process of bringing them home is handled. If the deceased left a Will, this is their executor, as named in the Will. If they did not make a Will, then it is generally someone entitled to inherit their estate under the Rules of Intestacy This is the person who is the estate administrator.
A body cannot be ‘owned’, only claimed. Therefore, family members need to agree on what will happen. The person with the right to make arrangements is the executor or administrator. However, it is possible that someone else could challenge this if they chose to. A complication can arise with the use of the term ‘next of kin’. This is sometimes used by medical authorities, who may give certain rights to the person who claims to be the next of kin.
The first steps after a death abroad
Notify the British embassy in the country concerned as well as the local authorities. If the person was on holiday, also tell the tour operator as well as the travel insurance company. The embassy will know the local procedure for dealing with a death and repatriation. They can advise you of the steps to be taken. Additionally, they can explain how to obtain a medical cause of death certificate and let you know how identification is dealt with.
In some cases, it is necessary for a family member to travel to the country to identify the deceased. You will need to use a funeral director in the country where the death occurred. They will look after the deceased’s body and prepare them for removal to the UK. In some circumstances, they may be able to arrange the transportation as well.
Arranging transportation
In order to deal with arranging transportation, you first need to obtain a medical cause of death certificate or a death certificate issued in the country where the deceased died. The coroner needs to give their consent to the body leaving the country. Any documents in another language should be officially translated into English. If the deceased was on holiday, their travel insurance may cover the cost of repatriation in some circumstances. If not, it can be very expensive.
A special metal-lined coffin is usually needed for the flight. A different coffin will need to be used if the deceased will ultimately be cremated. As well as arranging for the flight, you need to arrange for a funeral director in the UK to transport the coffin to the place of rest. A waybill number identifies the coffin, this is given to the funeral director so that they can collect the coffin from the plane when it arrives.
The UK coroner will check over the documents provided by the overseas authorities. In turn, they make a decision as to whether any further investigations need to be made or an inquest held. If no inquest is necessary, the funeral director will be able to obtain a certificate of no liability from the Registrar. They can then take your instructions as to the funeral and arrange for this to take place.
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